Monday, December 27, 2010

sales are on

Dave and I went shopping this morning to get me some new clothes. I had a layby at Autograph but it must have expired, Dave was going to get it off layby for me for Christmas but couldn't, they wouldn't give him the refund so we went today. I did better I got 5 tops, 1 pair of shorts and a dress for $140.00 gotta love half price sales.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hope everyone had a merry christmas

I know I did. went and saw Taje and Skye to see him riding around alle xited on the jeep that he got from santa. Then home to get things ready for lunch and Grant, Renee and my beautiful little boys Max and Joel came for breakfast . I got some great pics of the kiddies opening their presents had a wonderful morning.
Then Shane and I had a game of trivial pursuit while Brad had a nap and Dave read a book. Then off to Irenes to have lunch with Irene, Bert, Sarah and Brett.
A few more beeers and then home what a great day

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

oops the year is nearly over

I have had my computer fixed and lost my blog address how dumb am I?
it is almost christmas and the year is almost over. where have I been and what have I done?
Well the answer would be pretty much nothing.
I did start and finish my Cert III in aged care , I thorougly enjoyed the study and research part, something I never thought would be my thing, it was great, I am not a dumb arse after all... who knew?

I made all my christmas cards last week, nothing like leaving it to the last minute.
Not much has been happening scrap wise I did 52/100 layouts for the year. Not very happy with that.
I was doing the 365 photos in a year well that pretty much went by the wayside too.
I made 4o/50 cards for the year so not to bad there.
7/25 OTP's not good.

FOR 2011

I plan to scrap at least once a fortnight, every second monday would be good.
I plan to finish 100 layouts
I plan to make 60 cards
I plan to make 25 OTP's
I plan to have a pile of handmade presents by the end of November.
I resolve to be more patient and tolerant of others(even if they are dumb)
I plan to be more organised and tidy

Monday, June 7, 2010

Winter is Here

we have had a lot of rain so far this month but it is sunny so far today.

Boys are going well brad went fishing on the weekend at towradgi creek and got a legal sized flathead, shane is full of the cold today might have something to do with not wearing warm clothes and Grant is doing well in wa (I hope), he went fishing with a crane and caught a shark, I would say it is his first shark.

Lynne and I went on a crop last weekend, should have gone for the weekend but we just went for the day. It was great to just sit and scrap no interuptions except to go and look in the shop.

These are the layouts that I got done, there was another one that we did as a class but I don't have a photo for it yet.
Cyber crop coming up next week got to get a tiara.......

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May here already

this blog thing is driving me nuts. I posted yesterday and it disappeared. oh well.
May already mothers day came and went without a teensy tiny present from my adoring children, this is the first time in 31 years that I have not had anything. very sad that this is what my children think of me and whenthey asked why I was so upset they argued with me. don't get tehm at all. not doing much for them either, no more ironing no lifts to school nothing much very sad.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Almost my Birthday

where has the year gone?
what have we done?
Not much I think, we have had 3 dates, none for a couple of weeks due for one next fortnight.
My course is going great it is very interesting, work is the same the kids ar doing better at school this year i think, well if they did worse they would be in big doody.
Haven't seen Max or Joel this year despite the fact that they have been up here 3 or 4 times just recently but she was busy each time. Never mind......

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cyber crop

here are the first 2 layouts I have done for the scrapbooking stock cyber crop.

These are for the tic tac toe, I have used 4 photo corners, 3 photos, brads and chocolate yummmm in the title, a couple more to go and then make a tag I am not a tag fan but I suppose I can use it on a card

Monday, March 1, 2010

WOW it is Autumn

March already where has the time gone.
I have started the certificate III in aged care it is great very intersting so far I have amazed myself by writing a 1000 word essay and enjoying it.
I am a bit behind in uploading my pic a day but I will get there.
I need to be more organised
menu planning and exercise planning too.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Febuary already!

Well the second month of the year is here already where did the last month go?
I have started to study.... scary thought but I am doing the certificate III in aged care through work so they are paying me to think hehehehe

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well the new year has begun

We had a little holiday and saw some beautiful places. Felt like we had been gone for a week but it was only 3 days. We went to so many towns it was amazing.