Tuesday, September 20, 2011

De Cluttering

  1. gave 2 bags of clothes to St VInnies
  2. ditched old fishing and boxing magazines
  3. boxed patchwork and embroidery magazines for op shop
  4. old chook framed picture off to the op shop
  5. bag of tinsel to the op shop
  6. excess glasses to the op shop
  7. ditched the bent and seriously old cake tins/baking dish/trays
  8. ditched the reference books that will never ever be looked at again


Day 19- Today I learned to de-clutter.
I had to face the fact that I will never ever make all the quilts and dolls and do all the embroideries that I have kept the patterns for.

I have made 2 trips to the op shop with stuff that we will never use or need. Dave has filled his car twice with rubbish. New house new life.

We have the keys and I took the boys over to see the house they are happy with their rooms. I can't wait till monday....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Meal Planning

this weeks menu

Monday: marinated lamb chops
Tuesday: Chicken Pad Thai
Wednesday: Steak and salad
Thursday: Marinated pork fillet
Friday: pasta with chorizo
Saturday: Steak and veg
Sunday: Roast Pork

Sunday the 18th

Today I learned that you can't go back!
Janine showed up at the club and told Robbo she had made a mistake in letting him go. He is back with Jo and settled (well for him anyway): this could throw a spanner in the works big time

Saturday the 17th

Today I learned that I will probably never get a compliment from my husband.
I can't remember ever getting one.
I suppose if he says nothing I must look ok cause when he comments on my appearance it hurts.

Dumb really i know he loves me but he just is what he is.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday the 16th

Today I learned how expensive braces are!!!!!!!! He needs his wisdom teeth out first too god knows how much that will cost.... sigh.....

Thursday the 15th

Today I learned that we got the house in Thurston Crescent!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Even though its a bit more than we are paying now it's exciting!
Here is a self portrait very early in the morning, and this little beauty was in the back yard this morning

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Le3arning something new every day

12th Sept-Today I learned to just enjoy the day! Beautiful sunshine and the house to myself to do whatever!

13th Sept- I learned I have far too much stuff! glasses, dishes and plates and I have only just started packing one cupboard. OMG when I get to the craft stuff ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

14th Sept- Today I learned not to assume too much, Last week I assumed that the other girl I work with used the meals for my day and she didn't.
I also re-learned not to share my assumptions with others!

Waiting to hear wether we got the house in Thurston Cres...... I loved the kitchen!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What a morning

Brads new nose piercing came out, now at first it was Daves fault because he hurried brad out of the bathroom, then it became my fault cause when he said he was getting a piercing I said not to get a ring, then it bacame Shanes fault because he wanted the bathroom to have a shower.
The drama started about 6.15, I drove him to work at 7.20 minus the nose stud.
He is going to get an infection because it isn't in and die apparently it happens all the time.
Drama queen

Monday, September 12, 2011

This weeks menu

tonight Beef goulash http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/23418/evas+goulash
Tuesday night http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/26513/steak+sheila
Wednesday night http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/24636/tandoori+lamb+cutlets+with+bombay+potatoes
Thursday night steak and salad
Friday night http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/15122/pad+thai
Saturday going out
Sunday roast beef

12 on the 12th

1/ Brad is a scary driver
2/ Shane is a reluctant driver
3/Kelly has pocket money- i took her bed outside to air and found $3 in it
4/I am ready to de-clutter
5/ I am ready to move to another house
6/ I need to get back to going to the gym regularly
7/ I am really enjoying the new series of Underbelly
8/ I want to go to the movies
9/ I love my new dining table
10/ I am getting this weeks menu ready
11/ I love new shoes
12/ I need to give my family dessert every now and then

more LSNED

I haven't done the pages yet but will get to them

Thursday the 8th I learned not to stress too much while giving Brad a driving lesson! Nothing happened when he went through the stop sign thinking it was a give way. thank goodness.
Friday the 9th I learned that most of my co-workers are narrow minded school children.
Also I think I found our next home, hopefully.
On a brighter note I de-stressed with friends
Saturday the 10th Today I was happy to experience some classic comments from residents
I got a good tip on a horse which hubby bet on and won
I got a new pair of shoes and a newly pierced son
Sunday the 9th I remembered 9/11. I will never get the image of the planes crashing into the towers or the sight of those poor people jumping out of the buildings out of my head.
On a brighter note I learned that my husband is compassionate and caring, rather than making me cook dinner after a very long week he ordered chinese take away.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

MY LSNED Album so far

September 7

Today , well yesterday actually, I learned - realised- that I am good at my job and that the ressies do rely on me and my judgement quite a lot.
Stands to reason some of them have been there the same amount of time as me, I know their likes and dislikes.
We are going to look at a house this afternoon and then another tomorrow the one tomorrow looks better suited to us but it's dearer.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

List Day


1/ a new place to live
2/ a raised herb garden- don't tell the coriander that it's me and it might grow
3/ new lounge or the old one recovered
4/ new shoes- always new shoes
5/ a cleaner haha
6/ the inclination to scrap
7/Cherry Lynne dies
8/ more money to buy stamp and scrap supplies
9/ a regular crop to go to
10/ a room for myself- even the corner of a room will do

september 5th

Today i learned that having an impromptu drink with friends is very good therapy.
I went to the club with Dave I usually don't go on the weekdays, it was nice and quiet and had a good chat with friends Shelly and Chris.
Day 6 I learned that if you really want something you may have to wait and if its worth it you will.
The course that I want to do through work isn't being run yet but it will go ahead sometime in the future

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Learn Something New every Day

Well my album hasn't started yet but I am doing the lessons
Day 1 I learned that not all old ladies are nice!
Day 2 is something I wish I could learn.... not to think too much about what my dreams mean because they are seriously weird
Day 3 I learned that the classics are still the best. I made a chocolate caramel slice for my nieces baby shower and it was gobbled up.
Day 4
Today i learned again how lovely it is to walk along the beach with my toes in the sand and my dog swimming in the ocean, bit too cold for me.
I will get to making these on actual pages I promise

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Spring is here

and half the family have the sniffles. Oh well.I am starting a class with Shimelle.com learn something new every day! can't wait I have even taken a photo today, something that hasn't happened for a while.
I made another 2 cards on tuesday, I am nearly caught up. The first I embossed after colouring it and sticking it all together but I think there were too many levels and the image didn't emboss.