Thursday, October 31, 2013

weekend away

We had a great time at Greenwell Point last weekend. The weather could have been better the wind was so cold I was so proud of myself getting all my clothes in one bag!!!!!! but then I needed a long sleeve shirt and a lighter jacket , never mind. I think I need to get a couple of cardigans. The company on the weekend was great and a good time was had by all.

I don't have a menu plan for this week its fly by the seat of your pants time.
Last night I made Cauliflower pilaf with Pork steak and pakchoy in hoi sin sauce yummo.
Tonight might be chicken

I have been doing my hexagons and crocheting flowery cushion at home I am hoping to get my sewing machinethis week, I have spent too much at parties in the last couple of weeks so I think my pay is all gone
The pics below are the gorgeous lorikeet I saw in the tree out the back, Shane and Brad taking happy faces LOLthe hungry Pelicans the beautiful sunrises the tree where every morning the cockatoos fly from the island to this tree, the funny little duck chasing the other birds.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Winery Tour

What a great day we had, the company was great, the food was awesome, the weather was perfect and the wineries were very welcoming with great wine to taste.
we went to Crooked River Wines first,they have a lovely Pink Chardonnay and Verdelho, the Mountain Ridge Winery was next with a lovely Rose. Coolangatta was probably the least favourite. Two Figs Winery was the best the Chardonnay, Verdelho and Sav Blanc were beautiful and there Fort, not allowed to call it Port anymore was scrummy.

weekly wrap up

After a great long weekend it was back to work as normal but it was only a short week as Friday was a flexi day. Yay!


This week I have been getting a few hexagons done, I restarted my flower cushion after I read the instructions properly, oops, and I did a few rows of my crochet a long blankie
I seriously need to plan colours better.

Things I was thankful for this week!
Shane came and got his skateboards and MMA stuff so that is gone from my room
We had drinks last weekend to farewell Shelly and Chris, we will all mis Shelly.
I caught up with Sarah and Brett I hadn't seen them for a while.
I cooked some seriously good food.

I am looking forward to catching up with friends tomorrow at the fishing club BBQ

Monday, October 7, 2013

Public Holiday Monday

Well it has been a busy two days here, the garden is going great guns. we have planted shallots, spring onions, lettuce, pak choy, corn, capsicum, basil, coriander and lemon thyme. Dave went and got some horse doody this morning on his way back from getting some crabs and it has been mowed and spread over everything.
Last night we had delicious chicken pesto pizzas to watch the football with.
This morning I cooked hoi sin pork for dinner and a few containers for lunches, I made some mini spinach and cottage cheese frittatas, did all the meat cooking for dave's week and made banana and date muffins.
Our menu for the week is
Monday hoi sin pork
Tuesday Dukkah Fish and feta and beetroot salad
Wednesday Mustard steak and veg
Thursday parmesan crumbed chicken
Friday Sticky pork chops
Saturday leftovers
Sunday Roast beef


Thursday, October 3, 2013

I am thankful!

well today I am thankful for my job! I love it the people I work with get on fine, it can be bitchy when women work together but we are good. The clients are such a wide mix of personalities there is always something different going on.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm excited!!!!!!!

My good friend Dianne has invited me to go on a winery tour with her mum and mums friend on saturday!!!!!!
How excitement!!!!
Di has the itinerary but isn't sharing. What should I wear? how much cash should I have with me? Should I take a crate or something to put my purchases in? Di has a ute so I don't want my stuff rolling around the back.
decisions decisions.
Spotlight has patterns for $5 this month I may stock up on some. I want a t shirt pattern and a casual pants maybe a skirt pattern?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I have journalled in my notebook every day for Shimelle Laine's learn something new in September class and I have enjoyed it I vow to continue here and blog just a bit every day or two.
Last month I have sewed, cooked, crocheted. Nothing excitingI have started a hexigin quilt I just have a couple of bags of hexies at the moment, no rush.
I have big plans for the next few weeks, I have two tops and a dress that I want to make for greenwell point weekend at the end of the month.
I searched for my fabric stash and it's gone!!!!
I must have given it to the op shop, well I did have the fabris for more than five years but it would have still been fine bugger