Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012

well maybe I am a bit late but Happy New Year to you!
I had a great new years eve, we went to the club only for a while.... hehehe the band was great the vodka was delicious and the dancing was fun. The alarm at 5 the next morning was rude and work dragged on but it was all self inflicted so no complaints.

what are your resolutions for the year ahead? wether they are craft or self related.
I plan to do 100 layouts and make 100 cards, I might even send christmas cards this year it got away from me at the end.
I want to do 2 embroideries and make 2 quilts.
I plan to go to the gym at least 3 times a week even in winter.
I am going to be organised and healthy.
I am going to blog regularly
I am going to try the photo a day

Bad news yesterday Brad lost his job so no apprenticeship for him if he can't find at least 30 hours work a week he will have to go back to school.Stupid boss had work at Jamberoo which would be a 15 minute drive from the railway station, he said he would pick Brad up on the road here then changed his mind and wouldn't tell him who else was working so he couldn't organise a lift. then he said Brad was disrespectful because he asked if his pay would be on time twice, well gee I thought respect was earned. He doesn't know what he has done, workcover will be at his job sites every week now.
Never mind.

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